Action service video training for ITHQ and Éduc’alcool

Content production


Studio shooting

Training production

An organization responsible for informing Quebecers about alcohol consumption wanted to update its training for the restaurant sector. This training course is aimed at owners and managers of bars, brasseries, taverns and restaurants, and their employees, to enable them to offer responsible service of alcoholic beverages to their customers.

An organization responsible for informing Quebecers about alcohol consumption wanted to update its training for the restaurant sector.

This training course is aimed at owners and managers of bars, brasseries, taverns and restaurants, and their employees, to enable them to offer responsible service of alcoholic beverages to their customers.

For this redesign, the organization wanted to renew the content and roll out the training in 12 video vignettes of 4 to 7 minutes each, in French and English, with interactive questions at the end of each vignette to review the notions learned and fully integrate the concepts.

The capsules were conceived in the form of a talk-show, with a host interviewing an expert in his or her field.

1. Training scenarios created with experts

In order to write the scenarios for the 12 vignettes, the client put us in touch with various experts: mixologists, professors from the organization, nurse-clinicians, social workers and even the SAAQ spokesperson.

We met with all of them to discuss the important notions to be mentioned in the training.

We then wrote the scenarios for the capsules based on this information, to put forward clear, simple and precise concepts. Before shooting, each expert was given access to his or her script, so that he or she could put it in his or her mouth and make additions and modifications.

Once the scripts had been completed and validated by the organization, they were sent out for translation, since the training is available in both official languages.

2. Set the mood and shoot the vignettes

To prepare for the shoot and ensure that everything runs smoothly, we’ve drawn up a shooting schedule. It takes a lot of organization to book a dozen busy people with completely different availabilities!

Once our schedule was validated, we were able to move on to my favorite part of the day: the shoot! 🎥

With a few lighting tricks and decor pieces, we transformed our all-white studio into a warm, uncluttered talk-show-style setting.

As with all our shoots, our customer was present at the studio. We were thus able to get live feedback and make any necessary corrections on the spot. This is a great advantage, since it ensures customer satisfaction and avoids disappointment during assembly.

3. Capsule assembly

For the editing, we wanted to make the capsules dynamic and educational, with the aim of keeping the trainees’ attention while remaining relevant and effective.

We therefore worked with Romain Amphyon from Ranko, who created the opening and closing credits, the animations to show the names of the experts and the questions asked.

Finally, for the educational aspect, we have integrated some of the notions discussed on screen to give them greater importance.

4. Make it interactive

As mentioned above, the customer wanted the training to be interactive. To achieve this, at the end of each capsule, the user is asked five questions, which he or she answers and validates in real time.

This ensures that the message has been understood. In fact, you need to pass this section to move on to the next one, at the end of which you’ll receive your certificate.

Once validated by the customer, these questions were transmitted to the uxpertise LMS platform, which was responsible for integrating the interactive component and distributing the training.

As you can see, at Sparkling, we take care of your training from A to Z! 🤓

Do you have a training idea but don’t know how to get started? Make an appointment with us to discuss your needs.

Our partners confirm it

At Sparkling, our mission is to create content that hits the mark and works, enabling our partners to achieve their goals.

We've just launched the campaign and the internal reception is PHENOMENAL. Every team wants its capsule. On a more personal note, I'd like to thank you for your professionalism and the quality of your work. Seeing you go has inspired me! Thank you for making our teams shine so brightly.


CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal

We loved our experience with Sparkling Studio! Professional service, friendly decor, incredible technical support and a dynamic team! We felt confident about holding our web event, and it was a great success.



The welcome and professionalism of the team, combined with the convivial space and the professional set-up, made me feel so at ease! I loved entertaining our guests at Sparkling. Perfect animation experience!


ACEE Québec

Working with you really took us away from what we'd experienced before.


Témiscamingue RCM

Wow! Personally, I think it's very good, it gives you chills.


Audition Québec

We loved working with Sparkling! The team's support, professionalism and dynamism enabled us to organize a wonderful event with complete peace of mind. Many thanks!


O2 Coaching

You're more organized than civil engineers!


Charlevoix-Est RCM

My collaboration with the Sparkling team was marked by their attentiveness to the needs of the project and their adaptability. They helped me design a unique campaign, managing the planning, coordination and editing of the three video vignettes with efficiency. During the shoot, their professionalism in managing the participants and directing the project contributed to a final result that exceeded expectations.