We make your video training captivating

The era of compelling video training has arrived! Transform your training courses into dynamic and inspiring video experiences!

Video training examples

Video training has changed. We produce captivating content in the format your audiences prefer.

Video training with Sparkling

At Sparkling, we manage every aspect of your project to turn your ideas into captivating, educational video training courses.

Design, production and project management team

Our team of experts in instructional design and video production provides precise project management to turn your ideas into captivating video training courses.

Interactivity and animation (quiz, survey, evaluation)

We enrich your training courses with interactive quizzes, surveys and evaluations, increasing engagement and pedagogical effectiveness.

Shooting in studio or on location

Whether in the studio or on location, our team creates professional shoots tailored to your specific needs for exceptional visual quality.

LMS implementation

We integrate your content into the leading LMSs, guaranteeing a fluid learning experience accessible on all platforms.

A network of talents, specialists and technopedagogues

Our network of talents includes specialists in techno-pedagogy and thematic experts to enrich your training courses and guarantee their relevance.


We use advanced artificial intelligence technologies to optimize the editing of your videos, guaranteeing superior quality and effectively captivating your audience.

Our partners confirm it

At Sparkling, our mission is to create content that hits the mark and works, enabling our partners to achieve their goals.

We've just launched the campaign and the internal reception is PHENOMENAL. Every team wants its capsule. On a more personal note, I'd like to thank you for your professionalism and the quality of your work. Seeing you go has inspired me! Thank you for making our teams shine so brightly.


CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal

We loved our experience with Sparkling Studio! Professional service, friendly decor, incredible technical support and a dynamic team! We felt confident about holding our web event, and it was a great success.



The welcome and professionalism of the team, combined with the convivial space and the professional set-up, made me feel so at ease! I loved entertaining our guests at Sparkling. Perfect animation experience!


ACEE Québec

Working with you really took us away from what we'd experienced before.


Témiscamingue RCM

Wow! Personally, I think it's very good, it gives you chills.


Audition Québec

We loved working with Sparkling! The team's support, professionalism and dynamism enabled us to organize a wonderful event with complete peace of mind. Many thanks!


O2 Coaching

You're more organized than civil engineers!


Charlevoix-Est RCM

My collaboration with the Sparkling team was marked by their attentiveness to the needs of the project and their adaptability. They helped me design a unique campaign, managing the planning, coordination and editing of the three video vignettes with efficiency. During the shoot, their professionalism in managing the participants and directing the project contributed to a final result that exceeded expectations.



Answers to your questions

  • What is video training?

    Video is a multi-disciplinary vehicle for making learning accessible. A video can be watched and listened to an unlimited number of times, unlike a trainer whose time is limited. It can also be viewed whenever and wherever the viewer chooses; at home, in the office, on a smartphone, on a small or large screen.

  • Why video training?

    The challenges of training are manifold:

    • Decreased attention span
    • Competition with social video content
    • Lack of time
    • Offer diversification
    • Continuing training needs
    • Split teams (hybrid work)

    That’s why we ensure that all Sparkling training courses are relevant, dynamic, engaging and, above all, captivating.

  • How do I create a Sparkling course?

    Working with us is like going to the buffet. You’re given a range of options and you choose the ones that appeal to you. Our options are many:

    • A script that adapts to your audience
    • Rhythmic integration of images and animations to capture the eye
    • A sound ambiance
    • Subtitles for greater accessibility
    • Integration with a Learning Management System (LMS) and complementary content
    • Related interactivities (quizzes, polls)
    • And much more
  • Do you have any examples of video training?

    We’re full of ideas and curious. Over time, we’ve done training on all sorts of subjects:

    • Webinars and live conferences on digital marketing
    • Video vignettes 1 topic, 1 vignette on database use and self-defense techniques
    • Physical training and meditation programs of all lengths
    • Case studies of false testimonies on psychological concepts
    • Mobile application videos for training new employees in the workplace
    • Training modules on mental health and climate change
    • Introductory social networking content on marketing tools
    • Batch producing testimonials for case studies
    • Interviews and panels on influencer marketing, influencer marketing, etc.
    • Training capsules with integrated interactive quizzes on serving alcohol in the restaurant trade
    • Long videos on the use of motor pumps

    Do you have our next challenge in mind?

  • Can you produce interactive training videos?

    Yes, we can produce all types of interactivity to enhance your video training courses: quizzes, exercises, simulations, evaluations, serious games, etc. We can program them on an LMS or in SCORM format.

  • Can videos be integrated into an LMS platform?

    Our videos are optimized for seamless integration with any LMS platform on the market.

  • Can you manage LMS?

    We can set up a Learning Management System (LMS) for you. Our recommendations include Talent LMS, TalentCard, Kajabi, Didacte, and Thinkific.

  • What training formats do you produce?

    Our expertise covers a variety of video formats: tutorials, MOOCs, microlearning, simulations, instructional videos and more. The format is defined according to your educational objectives.

  • Can you produce training videos in other languages?

    We can translate your videos into any language, thanks to our in-house artificial intelligence tool SpeakSync.

  • Can you supply trainers or presenters?

    We work with a large network of expert trainers and facilitators ready to contribute to your training project.

  • How do you design a training course without knowing our industry?

    Our research and close collaboration with your teams enable us to master even the most complex subjects. We have a very simple and effective immersion approach, involving the use of existing resources, research expertise and artificial intelligence.

  • Do you work with pedagogical specialists to design content?

    Yes, our content is designed with technical specialists to maximize the impact of your training courses.

  • How do you make training interesting?

    There’s nothing worse than learning from boring content. Our training videos are anything but flat. They combine pedagogy, dynamism and interactivity. The latest technological innovations and our creative staff guarantee engaging learning.

  • Do you have any solutions for employees who don't work at a computer?

    We are always finding alternatives to reach all employee profiles, including mobile applications, microlearning, and video modules accessible without a computer, in collaboration with the TalentCard LMS.

  • Do you offer à la carte services?

    We offer services tailored to your needs at every stage of the project: briefing, scriptwriting, design, pre-production, production, post-production or broadcast.

  • How much does it cost to produce a video training course?

    Our quotes are tailored to your business objectives. Contact us for a precise quotation.

  • I already have a face-to-face course, can you create an asynchronous course for me?

    Yes, we have a very efficient process for converting face-to-face training into online video training.

  • Can you produce training courses in stories or real-life format?

    Yes, and it’s becoming increasingly popular to produce training videos in vertical format. We can even integrate it into an LMS that supports this format, i.e. TalentCard.