42 young chambers of commerce are united under the banner of the Regroupement des jeunes chambres de commerce du Québec (RJCCQ). By supporting these chambers, the RJCCQ supports the development of Quebec’s next generation of business leaders, 10,000 young professionals aged 18 to 40. A powerful tool for professional development is the mentoring. Yet it is little-known and the victim of many prejudices and myths. Studio Sparkling was commissioned to demystify mentoring with a series of three video vignettes.
The Mission
Explain what mentoring is
Demonstrating the versatility of mentoring
Creating the desire to mentor
1. Get real mentors and mentees talking about their mentoring experiences

2. Filming process: guiding the conversation with clear questions and making speakers feel at ease

3. Dynamic editing for social networks
Keeping the target audience in mind
In this project, it was above all the target clientele that inspired us. The format, length and content of the capsules had to meet the needs of young professionals committed to their professional development. View one of the vignettes produced here.