A video series to mobilize young people against climate change

Content production

Studio shooting

Video production


Educate and mobilize 12-17 year-olds to take concrete action against climate change with a series of frankly amusing web capsules!

Climatoblabla is the name chosen for the latest web series created by Sparkling for Lab22 . Human Fuel. Aimed at young people aged 12 to 17 who want to take action on climate change,  is a hands-on approach to climate change. Through ten themes, including eco-anxiety, waste management, food, etc., we explore what can be done about it. concretely in our daily lives to have a positive impact on our environment and society. 

The Mission


Creating collaboratively with 12-17 year-olds


Captivating Generation Z


Talking about climate change in a funny and relevant way

1. Finding the right tone to appeal to Generation Z

The young people’s opinion of the project was very important to ensure that the various contents proposed on climate change were well received and of interest to them. We wanted to be funny and relevant, informative and entertaining, while not generating eco-anxiety. A great challenge! We’ve chosen to team up with François De Grandpré, screenwriter, author and designer, who knows how to combine humor and information.

He was given the task of drafting an initial text on climate change and testing it with a pilot group. Success! The exercise was a success, and it was he who drew up the scenarios for the 10 capsules.

2. The right candidate to carry the message

With these texts in hand, we invited a few candidates to submit a recorded audition, which we showed to our panel of 12 to 17 year-olds. Using a survey, we tested their tastes and interests. This enabled us to validate the tone, rhythm and type of animator that the kids wanted to see on screen. We even tested the names of the series, and that’s how we settled on Climatoblabla.

The jury has spoken! Unanimously, their favorite candidate was Alfred Poirier, a fun-loving 18-year-old.

3. YouTube-style production and dynamic editing

We chose Félix Charest as director because he is familiar with the codes of consumed online video content, and we knew he would be able to capture the attention of 12 to 17 year-olds. By also giving him responsibility for offline editing, we ensured an original, dynamic and fun signature for the whole project. 

In addition to the content shot in the studio or in schools for the capsules, we added numerous images, GIFs, video excerpts, animation and color in the packaging to catch the eye and make people want to listen to the whole series.


In short, Climatoblabla informs, raises awareness and, above all, mobilizes our young people on the real issues of their time…

See the whole series 

Hosted by Alfred Poirier
Director: Félix Charest
Scenarios: François de Grandpré
Photo direction: François Herquel, Carl Witty, Guillaume Lemay
Production : Anne-Catherine Rioux
Editing: Félix Charest, Guillaume Lemay, Romain Amphyon
Project management: Marie-Ève Arseneault, Carburant Humain ⎪ Raphaël Savaria, Lab22


A large-scale project

Shooting at the Sparkling studio and at a school in Pincourt, as well as surveying high school students about the project, it’s safe to say that Climatoblabla was a major undertaking for the Sparkling team. A challenge we took up with great pleasure!


Single-subject video vignettes


Inserting visual elements


High school students

Our partners confirm it

At Sparkling, our mission is to create content that hits the mark and works, enabling our partners to achieve their goals.

We've just launched the campaign and the internal reception is PHENOMENAL. Every team wants its capsule. On a more personal note, I'd like to thank you for your professionalism and the quality of your work. Seeing you go has inspired me! Thank you for making our teams shine so brightly.


CIUSSS de l'Est-de-l'Île-de-Montréal

We loved our experience with Sparkling Studio! Professional service, friendly decor, incredible technical support and a dynamic team! We felt confident about holding our web event, and it was a great success.



The welcome and professionalism of the team, combined with the convivial space and the professional set-up, made me feel so at ease! I loved entertaining our guests at Sparkling. Perfect animation experience!


ACEE Québec

Working with you really took us away from what we'd experienced before.


Témiscamingue RCM

Wow! Personally, I think it's very good, it gives you chills.


Audition Québec

We loved working with Sparkling! The team's support, professionalism and dynamism enabled us to organize a wonderful event with complete peace of mind. Many thanks!


O2 Coaching

You're more organized than civil engineers!


Charlevoix-Est RCM

My collaboration with the Sparkling team was marked by their attentiveness to the needs of the project and their adaptability. They helped me design a unique campaign, managing the planning, coordination and editing of the three video vignettes with efficiency. During the shoot, their professionalism in managing the participants and directing the project contributed to a final result that exceeded expectations.